Update Information
Votes: 10
  • Company code300640245
  • VAT IDLT100002907210
  • Employees 5
Opening times
  • 09:00 - 18:00
  • 09:00 - 18:00
  • 09:00 - 18:00
  • 09:00 - 18:00
  • 09:00 - 18:00
  • Not working
  • Not working
  • Working now: Not working

Your partner for going global

Number of employees

  • From 2023-01-17 Employees 5
  • 2022-12-10 Employees 4
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Average salary

  • 2024-07-01 avg. salary was 2054.58 Eur
  • 2024-06-01 avg. salary was 2025.84 Eur
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2431.08 €
Last month (2024-07) VSD
Data source - SODRA
Data was updated: 2024-09-21

Business description

Translation and localisation services for worldwide business expansion

• Translation
• Localisation
• Revision and proofreading
• Desktop publishing (DTP)
• Software testing
• Video and audio services
• International marketing

Fields of expertise

• Technologies, IT
• Transport, automotive, engineering, construction and agriculture
• Life sciences
• Economics and finance
• Marketing and commerce
• Law


With a wide network of translators, we are able to offer translation services for most languages around the world.

Quality Standard

Translations are completed in conformity with the requirements of the ISO 17100 standard (International Quality Standard for Translation Services).


We use the most advanced translation and project management tools and technologies to ensure consistency of terminology and to minimise expenses to all of our customers.

Long-term partnership

We aim to become a regular translation partner for our customers; therefore, we pay considerable attention to managing and meeting our customers’ needs and expectations.

Rodyti žemėlapį
    Šiaulių g. 10 -40, 01134, VILNIUS
    (5) 2613853


Dainius Sabaliauskas

Descriptive keywords

translation, localisation, translation services, translation agency, translation company