Update Information
Votes: 17
  • Company code302631095
  • VAT IDLT100006181715
  • Employees 232
Opening times
  • 8:00 - 17:00
  • 8:00 - 17:00
  • 8:00 - 17:00
  • 8:00 - 17:00
  • 8:00 - 16:00
  • Not working
  • Not working
  • Working now: Not working

Asseco Lithuania is a software development company and a leading system integrator in Lithuania belonging to Asseco Group. Over 30 years in software development business.

Number of employees

  • From 2024-09-06 Employees 232
  • 2024-09-04 Employees 231
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SODRA debt

  • 2019-05-31 no social security tax debt
  • 2019-05-30 had 170.48 Eur social security debt
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Average salary

  • 2024-07-01 avg. salary was 4005.66 Eur
  • 2024-06-01 avg. salary was 3873.16 Eur
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198614.07 €
Last month (2024-07) VSD
Data source - SODRA
Data was updated: 2024-09-08

Business description

Main business fields of Asseco Lithuania are information systems and software development, specialized software solutions for automation of company‘s business processes. Asseco Lithuania has a deep expertise in the following sectors and areas:

- document and content management,
- library, museum and archives process automation,
- insurance business management,
- finance management,
- dedicated solutions for the public sector.

Core competencies of Asseco Lithuania:

- Software development
- System integration
- Complex national scale IT projects
- IT infrastructure design & implementation

Company belongs to Asseco Group - the largest IT group in Central and Eastern Europe, offering proprietary IT solutions for all sectors of the economy. Asseco Lithuania's main partners are: IBM, Oracle, Microsoft. Where necessary we work in a network of other experienced local and foreign companies, also employ Asseco Group expertise.

The company's Quality Management System conforms to ISO 9001 requirements. Asseco Lithuania holds a certificate confirming that its Information security management system meets the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 standard. The company's environmental management system conforms to ISO 14001 standard requirements.

The company has been operating since 1991 (formerly under the name of Sintagma).


The company develops the Avilys (Beehive) document and process management system, which helps to manage documents and related processes for the public and private sector companies. Having been developing our product for almost 30 years, we are currently launching version 4 of our system, which is updated in terms of technology and functionality, as well as user-friendliness and interactivity, focusing on activity automation, electronic document management and a more attractive and efficient work

Rodyti žemėlapį
    V. Gerulaičio g. 10, 08200, VILNIUS
    (5) 2102400



Albertas Šermokas
Generalinis direktorius


@vilys (Avilys)

Descriptive keywords

Software development, application development, programming, software solutions, computer programs, office programs, system integration, information systems, information technologies, ERP systems, document management, document management system, DMS, process management, procurement management, resource management, content management, content management system, CMS, document storage, document archiving, electronic document, electronic signature, electronic services, servers, hardware, hardware support, IT infrastructure, IT services, IT solutions, insurance systems, insurance solutions, finance management system, accounting system, payroll accounting software, public sector solutions, library solutions, library software, library systems, museum solutions, museum software, museum systems, archive systems, archiving solutions, archiving software, digitization solutions, digitization software, digital content solutions, digital content software, Asseco Lietuva, Sintagma, Saikas, IBM Partner, Oracle Partner, Microsoft Partner, IBM, Lenovo, Oracle, Microsoft Business Solutions, Navision, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Business Central, VMware, AVILYS, LIBIS, PROLIBIS, MOBIS, DIS, DIS SALES, LIB-MS, IS Draudimas, Saikas W, ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 14001
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